Tori Amos – A Piano :The Collection (2008)

 Tori Amos – A Piano :The Collection (2008)

Artist: Tori Amos
Title Of Album: Tori Amos - A Piano: The Collection
Year Of Release: 29. Setembro 2006
Gravadora: Rhino (Warner)
Gênero: Instrumental
Qualidade: Mp3
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Total Time: 05: 19: 21 min
Tamanho: 865 MB


Disc A (Little Earthquakes extended)

01. Leather (Alternate Mix)
02. Precious Things (Alternate Mix)
03. Silent All These Years
04. Upside Down
05. Crucify (Unedited Single Version)
06. Happy Phantom
07. Me and a Gun
08. Flying Dutchman (Alternate Mix)
09. Girl
10. Winter
11. Take to the Sky (Russia)
12. Tear In Your Hand
13. China
14. Sweet Dreams
15. Mother (Alternate Mix)
16. Little Earthquakes

Disc B (Pink and Pele)

01. Cornflake Girl
02. Honey
03. Take Me With You
04. Baker Baker (Alternate Mix)
05. The Waitress (Alternate Mix)
06. Pretty Good Year
07. God
08. Cloud On My Tongue
09. Past the Mission (Alternate Mix)
10. Bells For Her
11. Yes, Anastasia (Alternate Mix)
12. Blood Roses
13. Mr. Zebra
14. Caught a Lite Sneeze (Alternate Mix)
15. Professional Widow (Merry Widow Version – Live)
16. Beauty Queen/Horses
17. Father Lucifer
18. Marianne

Disc C (Pele, Venus, and Tales)

01. Walk to Dublin (Sucker Reprise)
02. Hey Jupiter (Dakota Version)
03. Professional Widow (Armand’s Star Trunk Funkin’ Mix)
04. Putting the Damage On
05. Bliss (Remixed Version)
06. Suede
07. Glory of the 80’s
08. 1000 Oceans
09. Concertina (Single Remix Version)
10. Lust
11. Datura
12. Sugar (Live from Sound Check)
13. The Waitress (Live)
14. Snow Cherries From France
15. Doughnut Song (Remixed Version)

Disc D (Scarlet, Beekeeper, and choirgirl)

01. A Sorta Fairytale
02. Not David Bowie
03. Amber Waves
04. iieee (Remixed Version)
05. Playboy Mommy (Remixed Version)
06. The Beekeeper
07. Jackie’s Strength (Remixed Version)
08. Zero Point
09. Sweet the Sting
10. Ode To My Clothes
11. Spark
12. Intro Jam and Marys of the Sea
13. Cruel (Remixed Version)
14. Dolphin Song
15. Gold Dust

Disc E (Bonus B-Sides)

01. The Pool
02. Never Seen Blue
03. Daisy Dead Petals
04. Beulah Land
05. Sugar
06. Cooling
07. Bachelorette
08. Black Swan
09. Mary (Tales Version)
10. Peeping Tommi
11. Toodles Mr. Jim
12. Fire-Eater’s Wife/Beauty Queen (Demo)
13. Playboy Mommy (Demo)
14. A Sorta Fairytale (Demo)
15. This Old Man
16. Purple People
17. Here. In My Head
18. Hungarian Wedding Song
19. Merman
20. Sister Janet
21. Home on the Range (Cherokee Edition)
22. Frog On My Toe




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